For the unversed, Kundalini yoga is a spiritual form of yoga. The other forms of yoga, are namely Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga, which are more physically-oriented. However, they are no less important in yoga.
They create that much-needed foundation, on which you can develop your spiritual pathway. You can also join the 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali to unearth such valuable knowledge. Kundalini Yoga Ashram is one of the schools, which imparts knowledge on this subject.
Moreover, the ashram will provide you with the ambience, which is conducive to your spiritual exploration. It is worth mentioning here, that chakras have an important role to play in Kundalini Yoga, amongst other kriyas.
You will understand the meaning of the seven important chakras and their importance, here.
The Seven Chakras – 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Now, you have the privilege of joining the 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, which will take you on a journey to remember. Chakras coincide with the latent skills that lie within all humans. You can tap into those hidden powers, with the help of mantras, asanas, meditation, and yogic techniques.
Each chakra also governs the parts of the physical body, where it is located.
- Muladhara Chakra – It is the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. It is where all your energies are stored. The actual awakening occurs in this part of the body. The chakra is connected with the earth element.
- Svadhishthana Chakra – It is located just below the belly button. The chakra is connected to the genitals. Moreover, your sense of taste also gets affected by this chakra.
- Manipura Chakra – It is the third chakra in the human body. The chakra is located behind the belly button. It is the centre of will power, to be exact. Moreover, it is related to your digestive power. The chakra is ruled by fire.
- Anahata Chakra – Next comes the Heart chakra. However, its location is in the centre of the chest. Your emotional patterns, wishes, aspirations, and touch is governed by this chakra.
- Vishuddha Chakra – It is the throat chakra. Moreover, it is the same place, where Lord Shiva had probably stored the poison. It is connected to higher learning. The Sky element governs the chakra. If you meditate upon this chakra, you can get the triple siddhis. The chakra is connected to communication.
- Ajna Chakra – It is also called as the Third Eye chakra. This chakra governs the workings of the Pineal gland and Pituitary gland. Most ancient Gurus gave all the knowledge they had, to the Ajna Chakra centre of the disciple. Meditation can make the Ajna chakra powerful. However, if it is blocked, you may lack foresight.
- Sahasrara Chakra – This is located at the crown region. It is the most important chakra, through which your female Shakti can unite with the Male Shakti, or Purusha. It represents the quality of self-actualization.
There are many other chakras in the aural or astral body. However, these seven chakras are the most important ones. You should work on this chakras, to connect with the Universal consciousness.
The Effects Of Kundalini Energy
Kundalini awakening has a variety of effects on various parts of the body. The energy after being awakened travels upwards through the spinal column, activating the chakras on the way. It also impacts the various organs and physiological processes. The nervous system is particularly affected by the Kundalini energy. After Kundalini awakening, you will feel a greater sense of spiritual connectedness. Moreover, your creativity and intuition will also flourish.
However, you also need to keep in mind, that if this energy is handled in an improper way, it can also backfire. You must also be aware, that Kundalini energy is not the only energy, which is present in the body. There are two other forces, called Prana and Apana, which work in tandem with each other and Kundalini. Prana is the energy which travels upwards, whereas Apana is the energy, which travels downwards. You will learn about several different techniques, as a part of the course. The 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali will teach you, how the various energies work. Moreover, you will get the best holistic guidance from the teachers at Kundalini Yoga Ashram.